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Imperial War Museum: HMS Belfast

HMS Belfast is a museum ship which was originally a Royal Navy light cruiser and is permanently docked on the River Thames.

Construction of HMS Belfast first began in December of 1936 (although the ship wasn’t officially launched until 1938). HMS Belfast had an important role in various operations during the course of its use from 1939 to 1963.

What we did

What was required

ATS were invited by Imperial War Museums to participate in a competitive tender in 2023 for the new multimedia tours of HMS Belfast.

Recognising the navigational challenges that many visitors to the ship face, it was agreed that a screen-based multimedia tour would allow visitors to have access to easy-to-read maps.

It also created an opportunity for interactive features and videos to be included, particularly on the family version of the tour.

The full brief for HMS Belfast’s multimedia guide was as follows: A main multimedia guide, a family friendly tour, a BSL and audio descriptive version, translation and the hardware and software to support the smooth running of the service.

Our Creative Solution

ATS worked closely with the team at Imperial War Museums to develop the scripts for each tour.

The aim was to create a tour for each of their audiences that was more dynamic and engaging than the audio devices they had previously.

ATS have created a main tour, family tour option and the following international language options: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Mandarin, Swedish and Ukrainian.

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