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Access & Languages Tours

Accessibility and inclusivity are a real passion of ours. We regularly produce British Sign Language (BSL) and subtitled tours for D/deaf and hard-of-hearing visitors.

For Blind and Partially Sighted visitors we provide specialist consultancy, scriptwriting and production of audio-described tours, a mix of audible wayfinding and object descriptions using words to paint a visual picture.

We firmly believe that everyone should be able to experience the rich history and engage with the exciting stories our heritage sites and visitor attractions have to offer and we can provide practical advice on how to get started, whatever your budget.

We've written a number of helpful articles on accessibility and inclusivity, you can read them in our blog section here.

We also work with Direct Access, a team of disabled people that work with museums and heritage destinations, to gather best practice examples from across the heritage sector on how to improve accessibility for those who are D/deaf or hard of hearing, for people with sight impairments and for those with physical needs.

To meet international visitor needs, many clients appoint us to produce international language tours. These can be a straight translation of the main English language tour, or we can adapt and tailor the tour to the specific nationality, delivering where possible a higher relevance to visitors from certain countries.

Take a look at our article on Best Practice for Engaging International Visitors.

We’ve put together a series of short videos to share best practice from across the sector on how to improve accessibility for those who are D/deaf or hard of hearing and for people with sight impairments.

Get in touch to discuss any of the following:

  • British Sign Language (BSL)
  • Subtitles
  • Audio Described
  • International Languages
  • Highlight Tours

How can we help?