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The D-Day Story

The D-Day Story Museum immerses you in the historic Normandy landings that happened 80 years ago. Visitors can explore personal accounts, iconic objects and the Overlord Embroidery - a 272-foot tapestry depicting the invasion. This museum honors the bravery of those who fought and the complexity of this pivotal WWII event.

What we did

What was required

The D-Day Story originally commissioned ATS to develop their new audio guide back in 2021.

The initial audio guide consisted of an adult tour, a separate tour for visually impaired and blind guests, and French and German language versions.

The D-Day Story has resources and interpretation for much younger visitors as well as adults but was missing interpretation aimed specifically at 9-14 year olds, so they asked us to create a Family Tour to add to their existing audio devices.

Our Creative Solution

Our brief was to follow the same route around the museum and focus on the same objects that are included on the main adult tour with the idea that families can take the tour together, each with their own device.

The content was produced specifically with the 9-14 year old age bracket in mind and we felt it was Important that it didn’t talk down to the younger visitors but was still engaging.

The narration encourages listeners to look for key objects and asks questions such as ‘how would you feel?’ ‘what do you think this is? Select the layer button to find out more’.

The D-Day Story is all about letting the objects tell their own story about the people involved in the Normandy landings and this audio guide reflects that.

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What They Said

Trip Advisor March 2024: I went round the museum this week listening to the new audio tour for families, it is brilliant, really engaging for younger listeners but also interesting enough for parents or grandparents.

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